Pot And Pan Racks What You Need To Know

Food Articles | May 26, 2011

One of the things kitchens in many homes lack is some sort of organization. Kitchens where pots, pans and plates are strewn everywhere constitute an eye-sore and can be quite a distressing sight. It always gives some sort of internal and physical comfort when one strolls into a kitchen and see the pots and pans neatly arranged using...

One of the things kitchens in many homes lack is some sort oforganization. Kitchens where pots, pans and plates are strewn everywhereconstitute an eye-sore and can be quite a distressing sight. It alwaysgives some sort of internal and physical comfort when one strolls into akitchen and see the pots and pans neatly arranged using pot and panracks.

In kitchens where we see racks used in arranging utensils,hanging pot racks are what you are most likely to see. There aredifferent sizes and varieties of racks. Now it would not be wise to justrush out to the nearest home furniture store and start buying just anyhanging rack.

There are basic questions you need to ask about thechoice you are about to make. The answers to these questions willdetermine if your purchase will solve your problem or create more of thesame for you.

Getting a good hanging pot and pan rack is not justabout getting one at the cheapest possible price. Some may argue as towhy this is so. After all, this is supposed to be just some kitchenaccessory. But you must understand that the most important factors toconsider in making your choice are functionality, size and efficiency.

Howwould you feel when you get home after parting with your hard-earnedmoney only to find out that your new rack cannot accommodate all yourpots and pans, or that the design you chose probably does not match yourkitchen size and style, or worse still, you have nowhere in yourcurrent kitchen to put them up? Frustrated, that's the answer.

Oneway to avoid such shopping gaffes is to do some kind of a test run onputting up your hanging rack. Where do you plan on hanging your panrack? Is the wall version what you should go for, or are you better offgetting a rack that can be hung from a ceiling?

Then of course youneed to consider the height of whoever will be using the pots and pans.How would it look like if your 6ft 6" college basketball-player sonsteps into the kitchen and bangs his head against your pots and panswhile trying to navigate the kitchen area or your short house-maid hasto deploy a stool just to reach a frying pan? If you factor in theheights of those who will most likely use your kitchen, you can gaugehow high your hanging pot and pan racks should be.

Withsome of this basic information, you will be able to choose hanging potand pan racks that will be functional in your kitchen.

So insummary, make sure your hanging pot and pan racks are not too high ortoo low for those trying to cook. Ensure that they can hold as many potsand pans as possible so your kitchen cabinets are cleared up for otherstuff.

Get racks with good finishing as they will help you to saveon maintenance costsFind Article, then hang them up in a good area of your kitchento get the desired effect.
