Effect of Ants in Potted Plants and Possible Treatment Needed

Free Articles | August 9, 2012

Ants seem to be able to make a home out of anywhere and, unfortunately for gardeners, that can often include the pots in which beautiful flowers and plants are grown

It's one thing to have ants in the yard, but once they start nestingin your potted plants, even the most tolerant homeowner will be ready toeradicate them. While ants cause few problems for houseplants bythemselves, their presence may indicate another pest problem moredeserving of your attention. Keeping an eye out for these littlecritters in your plants could clue you in to a more serious problembefore it's too late.

Although some species eat seeds andseedlings, according to the University of Kentucky entomologydepartment, ants cause little direct damage to houseplants. If you seelarge numbers of ants on your houseplants, the risk to your plants'health likely comes instead from what attracts them: sap-sucking bugslike aphids, scale and mealybugs.
Aphids, scale and mealybugs drainsap from your plants, taking water and nutrients as they do so. In turn,they excrete a sticky, sugary substance called honeydew. Honeydewattracts ants so readily that some ant species form symbiotic "farming"relationships with the pest insects, protecting the pests in exchangefor the nutrient-rich honeydew they crave. Extensive infestations ofsap-sucking insects can cause serious harm to your houseplants and,eventually, plant death.

Observe your houseplant closely for signsof the insects that attract ants. Although some species are tiny andhard to see, the honeydew will leave a sticky residue on the leaves thatyou can feel. According to the University of Delaware CooperativeExtension, controlling insect pests that attract ants will usuallyprevent ant problems as well, as ants begin foraging elsewhere for food.Insecticidal soap or spot treatment with rubbing alcohol controls thesepests.


If another insect pest isn't involved,inspect your potting soil for signs of nesting activity. If ants havenested in the pots, transfer the plants to clean pots with fresh pottingsoil, taking care to not to take the ants with you. If ants continue toenter your home, the University of Delaware Cooperative Extensionrecommends ant bait traps as the most effective solution against antinvasions.

In general, ants are often an indication that theplant's potting soil is too dry. In order to avoid an ant infestation,try to make sure that your plants are watered regularly and not kept indirect sunlight.

If the ants have already set up home, here are some suggestions to remove them from pot plants:

  • Ifthe potted plant is small, try submerging it in water. It should ridthe plant of ants, as well as giving it some much-needed hydration.
  • Use a pot saucer. Fill this with water and it should act like a moat, protecting plants from further ant infestation.
  • Placeant powder over the nest and around the base of the plant. Most brandson the market guarantee that their powder will not affect the health ofthe plant.
  • Erect an ant barrier. This will help to prevent moreants moving into the pot plant. There are a number of sticky ordetergent barriers on the market specifically designed to preventinsects from reaching certain areas. Apply these liquids and liquidmixes on and around the plant pot. Other deterrents that may be alreadyin your cupboard include eucalyptus oil, baby powder and petroleumjelly.

For control and assistance, dont hesitate to contact us. See links below:

ant control aucklandArticle Search, ant control northshore
