Learn How To Grow Cauliflowers In Planting Pots

Gardening Articles | December 10, 2011

Delicate as they are, cauliflowers can also be planted in pots andcontainers. It is actually less difficult compared to when they'replanted outside the house because pests will easily be seen andcontrolled.

Delicate as they are, cauliflowers can also be planted in pots and containers. It is actually less difficult compared to when they're planted outside the house because pests will easily be seen and controlled. They can even be transferred into another area if you feel they are placed in too sunny a spot and never have to uproot them. Now, do you know the steps in growing this delightful plant in a container?

First of all, you'll need some things to make this happen. These are gardening gravel, natural planting soil mixture with a pH of 6 to 7, twelve inch pots with drainage holes, naturally degradable pots and plastic wrap that can both be used in the germination period, and of course cauliflower seeds.

Since you want to keep the cauliflowers indoors, you could start sowing seeds as soon as you feel up to it. Fill your biodegradable containers with the organic soil mixture and water it to make it compact. Then, place these containers into your plastic pot.

Sprinkle a few seeds in each container and cover all of them with one fourth inch of dry planting soil. In order to hasten the germination of the seeds, cover the pots using plastic wrap. You ought to see the beginnings of green sprouting from the soil within a couple of weeks. When this happens, remove the plastic wraps.

The new plants need to be thinned when they get to a height of approximately two inches. The truth is, it is advisable to keep only the strongest seedling in the container. Transfer your plant into a twelve inch container so that it may have plenty of space to grow. However before you do, make sure to cover the bottom of the container with no less than two inches of garden gravel. This can guarantee appropriate water flow in the event you water your plant excessively.

Next, put potting soil over the gravel and water it to make it compact. After that you can transplant your cauliflower seedling that is planted in the biodegradable container to the large pot. After the cauliflower plant maturesArticle Submission, the roots will grow out of your biodegradable container and grow in the big pot.

Take care of your cauliflower like you would when it is outdoors and be sure you care for it consistently. Water the plant completely specially during dry spells. Remember not to use a fertilizer that is loaded with nitrogen as this would cause the plant to grow more leaves. You can also keep the head white if you wrap it while it's forming. This is an excellent way to safeguard it either from sun damage or perhaps the cold of winter time.
